Neeti Sleep Clinic is a dedicated unit within the hospital for diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is a condition where due to obstruction of the upper airway, there could be impairment in oxygen supply to the brain and resultant disturbances in sleep. In its least severe form, it can manifest as snoring but when severe, it could result in serious medical conditions such as hypertension, respiratory or cardiac problems.

We have in house facilities for following diagnostic tests:

  • Flexible Naso-pharyngo-laryngoscopy: Examination of nose and throat by passing a smooth fibre-optic cable via nose. This allows evaluation of the nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx or hypopharynx to determine the cause for OSA. 

  • Sleep Study: An overnight monitoring at the hospital records various parameter changes during sleep such as oxygen saturation, pulse rate, eye movements, etc. This provides diagnosis of OSA, estimation of the severity of the problem and also provides a guide to the treatment plan, whether medical/lifestyle changes or CPAP machine assisted breathing or surgery should be recommended.

Surgeries Performed:

On an average for the past 30 years, we perform sleep surgeries per year. We have a dedicated team with experienced and highly trained surgeons specializing in this field to look after our patients.

  • Dr Madan Kapre
  • Dr Nirmala Thakkar
  • Dr Harsh Gupta

Following is a list of commonly performed surgeries at the hospital:

  • UPPP: Uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty is the commonest performed OSA surgery. It involves LASER assisted trimming of the lax palatal and uvular tissues to reduce snoring and open airway for better breathing.

  • Coablation adenoidectomy: For patients suffering from mouth breathing or snoring due to lymphoid tissue aggregates at the posterior end of the nasal cavity called adenoids, coablation adenoidectomy is a safe and effective surgery. It reduces bleeding and post-operative pain allowing faster healing of tissues.